feedly, material design

About half of the feedly users read their feedly on an android device. We love Android and want to make sure that curating and sharing content from your phone and tablet is a fluid and fast experience.

Arthur has been exploring how we could evolve the feedly user experience to better align with the Material Design specification. Before we start implementing these changes, we thought that it would be interesting to open up the design to the community and collect your feedback.

If you are a feedly+Android user and love design or have a strong opinion regarding how to improve the experience, please review the new feedly design spec and give Arthur feedback.

Review new feedly design

One more thing. We are looking for a designer with awesome visual and branding skills to help push the feedly product and brand forward. If you are interested in joining the team drop us an email at design@feedly.com with a link to your online portfolio (or pdf).

Source: ARI Feed